Thursday, April 1, 2010

Recap of 2009

It has been a very long while since the last update. Erik and Mikayla are growing faster than ever. Won't be too much longer and they will be as tall, if not taller, than their parents. Mikayla turned 9 in January. She had a blast with some of her friends at the gymnastic center. Erik recently had his crossover from Cub Scout to Boy Scout; his first Boy Scout activity is a week long camp out this summer. He is super excited.

Ricky has been busy keeping the kids on task. Amy had two major surgeries in February and has been spending the last several weeks recovering. Cancer was discovered, so she will be facing chemotherapy soon.
I have included a few pictures of the past year since it has been that long since I posted anything.

Ricky, Amy, Mikayla & Erik ~ 1st day at Disney World

Nana, Papa, Mikayla, Maggie, Jozie, Erik & Lainie at Epcot.

Mikayla chose "Wishes" for her face.

Erik as Genie at Disney World

We spent the week of Thanksgiving 2009 in Orlando, FL. Amy's parents took the whole family. It was a surprise!! Everyone had a BLAST!!

Summer 2009 ~ we took the kids to Williamsburg, VA. We visited Yorktown, Jamestown, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, and so much more.
I will try to keep up with this a little better. Sorry it has been so long.

Erik & Mikayla at Monticello

Mikayla, Ricky & Erik at Colonial Williamsburg

Amy, Erik & Mikayla @ Jamestown

Mikayla at Chesapeake Bay Bridge

Erik @ Chesapeake Bay Bridge